
Workshop 1 - Training course in data analysis for genomic surveillance of African malaria vectors

Module 1 - Interactive cloud computing with Google Colaboratory#

Theme: Tools & Technology

This first technology module introduces Google Colaboratory (a.k.a. Colab), an interactive cloud computing service for data analysis, which we will be using for practical exercises throughout the course.

Learning objectives#

After completing this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what colab is

  • Explain what a notebook is

  • Access Colab and use it to create and run notebooks

  • Edit notebooks and create code and text cells

  • Be familiar with some basic coding in Python

  • Import and install packages

  • Share Colab notebooks via Google Drive




Please note that the code in the cells below might differ from that shown in the video. This can happen because Python packages and their dependencies change due to updates, necessitating tweaks to the code.

What is Colab?#

Colab is an interactive cloud computing service provided for free by Google. To access Colab, visit the following address in your Web browser:

To access Colab you will need a Google account. If you don’t already have one, create an account and then log in.

Colab allows you to write and execute code using your Web browser. There are two important features of Colab that are very useful for data analysis:

  • Interactive notebooks - You can explore and analyse data one step at a time, by writing small pieces of code, running them, inspecting the results, and then writing further code.

  • Cloud computing - You can get access to computers hosted by Google and use them to run your code, without having to install any software or download any data onto your own computer.

What is a notebook?#

A notebook is an interactive, editable document that you can use to:

  • Write and execute code

  • Create plots, tables, written text and other types of content

A notebook is built up from cells. There are two main types of cells in a notebook: code cells and text cells.

Code cells#

A code cell contains Python code. To add a code cell to your notebook, click the + Code button at the top of the notebook.

Below is an example code cell.

print("Hello world!")
Hello world!

Executing a code cell#

To execute a code cell, click on the play icon next to the cell. You can also type Shift+Enter, which will run the cell and move the focus to the next cell.

Cell output#

The code cell above uses the built-in print function, which prints the string "Hello world!" as output. If a code cell generates some output when it is run, the output is displayed below the cell.

Cells do not always have output. For example, the code cell below declares a variable named foo and assigns the integer value 42, but does not create an output.

foo = 42

Inspecting a variable#

If you have declared a variable, such as foo in the code cell above, and you want to inspect its value, you can do this by writing a code cell where the variable is written on the last line.


Running this code cell will print the value of the variable as the cell output. Let’s try modifying this variable, and inspecting it again.

foo = foo + 1

It can also sometimes be useful to use the built-in type() function inspect what type of object has been assigned to a variable, e.g.:


Text cells#

As well as code cells, you can also create text cells, which create text that you write, and can use different types of text formatting such as bold, italic, indented lists, hyperlinks and mathematical equations.

To add a text cell to your notebook, click the + Text button at the top of the notebook.

To edit an existing text cell in a notebook, double click on the cell.

Formatting text#

Text cells can be formatted using a special syntax called markdown.

Here is a quick summary of some useful markdown syntax for formatting text:

Markdown syntax


**bold text**

bold text

*italicized text*

italicized text

`monospace text`


[A link](

A link

Creating lists#

Unordered lists can be created by putting each list item on a new line, starting with the * character, e.g.:

* A list item
* Another list item
* Yet another list item

Ordered lists can be created by starting each list item with 1., e.g.:

1. First item
1. Second item
1. Third item

Creating section headings#

To create a section heading within a notebook, begin a line of text with the # character. E.g.:

# This is a section heading

To create a sub-section heading, begin a line of text with ##, E.g.:

## This is a sub-section heading

Adding images#

You can include an image in a notebook, if the image is published on the Web and you know it’s address. E.g., the markdown syntax below includes an image of an Anopheles gambiae mosquito available from wikipedia:

![Anopheles gambiae](

Here is the image as it will appear in the notebook:

Anopheles gambiae

Adding, moving and deleting cells#

A new cell can be added by using the + Code and + Text at the top of the notebook, or that show when you hover between cells.

Cells can be moved within the notebook by clicking on the up and down arrows in the cell toolbar.

A cell can be deleted by clicking the dustbin icon within the cell toolbar.

Coding basics#

Here are a few examples of things you can do using Python code. For this course we don’t expect you to be an experienced coder, but some familiarity with features like arithmetic, for loops and functions will be useful.


You can do arithmetic.

x = 10
y = 3 + (4 * x) - 1

For loops#

You can use a for loop to iterate over a sequence of values. E.g., you can iterative over a sequence of numbers using a for loop together with the built-in range() function.

for i in range(5):

Defining and calling functions#

You can organise your code into functions with parameters. E.g., here we define a function greet() with a single parameter name.

def greet(name):
    print(f"Hello {name}!")

You can then call the function with different parameter values.

greet("Mario Coluzzi")
Hello Mario Coluzzi!
greet("Ronald Ross")
Hello Ronald Ross!

Importing and installing Python packages#

Python packages are collections of functions that other people have already created, and which you can import into your notebook and use.

There are some functions which are “built-in” to Python, like the print() and range() functions we’ve already seen, which are always available and you don’t need to import.

There are a lot more functions available as part of the Python standard library, which will already be installed, but you do need to import them before you can use them.

There are loads more functions available through “third-party packages” which are packages provided by other developers in the Python community. E.g., a very useful package for numerical computing is NumPy. On colab, numpy is already installed, and so you can just import it. By convention we abbreviate “numpy” to “np” just to reduce the amount of typing we have to do.

import numpy as np

Now that we’ve imported NumPy we can call functions. E.g., let’s generate some random numbers using the np.random.randint() function.

y = np.random.randint(low=0, high=100, size=10)
array([20, 66, 27, 43, 87, 16, 66,  7, 14, 50])

Some third-party packages are not pre-installed on colab, and so you need to install them. Installing packages can be done with the special %pip command. E.g., let’s installed the malariagen_data package.

%pip install -q --no-warn-conflicts malariagen_data

Once it’s installed, we can import it like we did for numpy.

import malariagen_data

And we can start using the package to set up access to some data. Note that authentication is required to access data through the package, please follow the instructions here.

ag3 = malariagen_data.Ag3()
MalariaGEN Ag3 API client
Please note that data are subject to terms of use, for more information see the MalariaGEN website or contact See also the Ag3 API docs.
Storage URL gs://vo_agam_release_master_us_central1
Data releases available 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12, 3.13, 3.14
Results cache None
Cohorts analysis 20250131
AIM analysis 20220528
Site filters analysis dt_20200416
Software version malariagen_data 15.0.1
Client location Iowa, United States (Google Cloud us-central1)

Viewing dataframes#

Often when analysing data you will work with pandas DataFrames, which are tables of data organised into rows and columns. We will look at DataFrames in more detail later in the course, but for now it’s useful to know that you can get a preview of the data in a DataFrame.

E.g., if we call the sample_metadata() function below, this returns a DataFrame.

df_samples = ag3.sample_metadata(sample_sets="3.0")

If we now inspect the value of this variable, we get a preview of the data in the DataFrame, showing the first five rows and the last five rows.

sample_id partner_sample_id contributor country location year month latitude longitude sex_call ... admin1_name admin1_iso admin2_name taxon cohort_admin1_year cohort_admin1_month cohort_admin1_quarter cohort_admin2_year cohort_admin2_month cohort_admin2_quarter
0 AR0047-C LUA047 Joao Pinto Angola Luanda 2009 4 -8.884 13.302 F ... Luanda AO-LUA Luanda coluzzii AO-LUA_colu_2009 AO-LUA_colu_2009_04 AO-LUA_colu_2009_Q2 AO-LUA_Luanda_colu_2009 AO-LUA_Luanda_colu_2009_04 AO-LUA_Luanda_colu_2009_Q2
1 AR0049-C LUA049 Joao Pinto Angola Luanda 2009 4 -8.884 13.302 F ... Luanda AO-LUA Luanda coluzzii AO-LUA_colu_2009 AO-LUA_colu_2009_04 AO-LUA_colu_2009_Q2 AO-LUA_Luanda_colu_2009 AO-LUA_Luanda_colu_2009_04 AO-LUA_Luanda_colu_2009_Q2
2 AR0051-C LUA051 Joao Pinto Angola Luanda 2009 4 -8.884 13.302 F ... Luanda AO-LUA Luanda coluzzii AO-LUA_colu_2009 AO-LUA_colu_2009_04 AO-LUA_colu_2009_Q2 AO-LUA_Luanda_colu_2009 AO-LUA_Luanda_colu_2009_04 AO-LUA_Luanda_colu_2009_Q2
3 AR0061-C LUA061 Joao Pinto Angola Luanda 2009 4 -8.884 13.302 F ... Luanda AO-LUA Luanda coluzzii AO-LUA_colu_2009 AO-LUA_colu_2009_04 AO-LUA_colu_2009_Q2 AO-LUA_Luanda_colu_2009 AO-LUA_Luanda_colu_2009_04 AO-LUA_Luanda_colu_2009_Q2
4 AR0078-C LUA078 Joao Pinto Angola Luanda 2009 4 -8.884 13.302 F ... Luanda AO-LUA Luanda coluzzii AO-LUA_colu_2009 AO-LUA_colu_2009_04 AO-LUA_colu_2009_Q2 AO-LUA_Luanda_colu_2009 AO-LUA_Luanda_colu_2009_04 AO-LUA_Luanda_colu_2009_Q2
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
3076 AD0494-C 80-2-o-16 Martin Donnelly Lab Cross LSTM -1 -1 53.409 -2.969 F ... NaN NaN NaN unassigned NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3077 AD0495-C 80-2-o-17 Martin Donnelly Lab Cross LSTM -1 -1 53.409 -2.969 M ... NaN NaN NaN unassigned NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3078 AD0496-C 80-2-o-18 Martin Donnelly Lab Cross LSTM -1 -1 53.409 -2.969 M ... NaN NaN NaN unassigned NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3079 AD0497-C 80-2-o-19 Martin Donnelly Lab Cross LSTM -1 -1 53.409 -2.969 F ... NaN NaN NaN unassigned NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
3080 AD0498-C 80-2-o-20 Martin Donnelly Lab Cross LSTM -1 -1 53.409 -2.969 M ... NaN NaN NaN unassigned NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

3081 rows × 57 columns

Creating plots#

You can also create plots within notebooks. There are several plotting packages available for Python, but three popular and useful plotting packages are matplotlib, plotly express, and bokeh. Let’s illustrate making some plots with these packages.

First let’s generate some random data to plot.

x = np.random.binomial(n=30, p=0.5, size=10_000)
array([14, 17, 16, ..., 15, 13,  9])


Here’s how to import and activate matplotlib in a notebook.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

Here’s how to create a histogram.

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_title("The binomial distribution");

Plotly Express#

Here’s how to import plotly express.

import as pio
pio.renderers.default = "notebook+colab"
import as px

Here’s how to plot a histogram.

fig = px.histogram(
    title="The binomial distribution",


Here’s how to import bokeh and activate it for use in a notebook.

import bokeh.plotting as bkplt
import as bkio
Loading BokehJS ...

Here’s how to make a histogram.

fig = bkplt.figure(title="The binomial distribution", width=600, height=400)
hist, edges = np.histogram(x)
fig.quad(top=hist, bottom=0, left=edges[:-1], right=edges[1:])

Accessing help documentation (docstrings)#

Often you’ll want to get access to documentation about the packages and functions you’re using. An easy way to access documentation (the docstring) for a function is to type the function name then add a question mark (?). This will cause the docstring to appear next to the notebook.

binomial(n, p, size=None)

Draw samples from a binomial distribution.

Samples are drawn from a binomial distribution with specified
parameters, n trials and p probability of success where
n an integer >= 0 and p is in the interval [0,1]. (n may be
input as a float, but it is truncated to an integer in use)

.. note::
    New code should use the `~numpy.random.Generator.binomial`
    method of a `~numpy.random.Generator` instance instead;
    please see the :ref:`random-quick-start`.

n : int or array_like of ints
    Parameter of the distribution, >= 0. Floats are also accepted,
    but they will be truncated to integers.
p : float or array_like of floats
    Parameter of the distribution, >= 0 and <=1.
size : int or tuple of ints, optional
    Output shape.  If the given shape is, e.g., ``(m, n, k)``, then
    ``m * n * k`` samples are drawn.  If size is ``None`` (default),
    a single value is returned if ``n`` and ``p`` are both scalars.
    Otherwise, ``np.broadcast(n, p).size`` samples are drawn.

out : ndarray or scalar
    Drawn samples from the parameterized binomial distribution, where
    each sample is equal to the number of successes over the n trials.

See Also
scipy.stats.binom : probability density function, distribution or
    cumulative density function, etc.
random.Generator.binomial: which should be used for new code.

The probability density for the binomial distribution is

.. math:: P(N) = \binom{n}{N}p^N(1-p)^{n-N},

where :math:`n` is the number of trials, :math:`p` is the probability
of success, and :math:`N` is the number of successes.

When estimating the standard error of a proportion in a population by
using a random sample, the normal distribution works well unless the
product p*n <=5, where p = population proportion estimate, and n =
number of samples, in which case the binomial distribution is used
instead. For example, a sample of 15 people shows 4 who are left
handed, and 11 who are right handed. Then p = 4/15 = 27%. 0.27*15 = 4,
so the binomial distribution should be used in this case.

.. [1] Dalgaard, Peter, "Introductory Statistics with R",
       Springer-Verlag, 2002.
.. [2] Glantz, Stanton A. "Primer of Biostatistics.", McGraw-Hill,
       Fifth Edition, 2002.
.. [3] Lentner, Marvin, "Elementary Applied Statistics", Bogden
       and Quigley, 1972.
.. [4] Weisstein, Eric W. "Binomial Distribution." From MathWorld--A
       Wolfram Web Resource.
.. [5] Wikipedia, "Binomial distribution",

Draw samples from the distribution:

>>> n, p = 10, .5  # number of trials, probability of each trial
>>> s = np.random.binomial(n, p, 1000)
# result of flipping a coin 10 times, tested 1000 times.

A real world example. A company drills 9 wild-cat oil exploration
wells, each with an estimated probability of success of 0.1. All nine
wells fail. What is the probability of that happening?

Let's do 20,000 trials of the model, and count the number that
generate zero positive results.

>>> sum(np.random.binomial(9, 0.1, 20000) == 0)/20000.
# answer = 0.38885, or 38%.
Type:      builtin_function_or_method

You can also search the web. Most packages will have good documentation on their website. E.g., here’s the online documentation for np.random.binomial().

Sharing notebooks via Google Drive#

Finally, you can share your notebooks with colleagues to show them the results of your data analysis. Colab notebooks are stored in your Google Drive and you can share them just like any other Google doc. Click the “share” button at the top right to begin sharing. An easy way to share is to create a link, which you can then copy and paste to share with colleagues.

Practical exercises#


That’s it for this module, well done for beginning your data analysis journey! When you’re ready, please now try the practical exercises below.

  1. Go to and create a new notebook.

  2. Add a code cell, type some Python code, and run (execute) the cell.

  3. Add a text cell and type some text, using markdown to format the text, e.g., bold, italic, hyperlinks, etc.

  4. Practice adding, deleting and moving cells within the notebook.

  5. Import a package (e.g., numpy) and call a function from that package (e.g., numpy.random.randint()). Hint: use ? to display the function parameters if you can’t remember them.

  6. Add a code cell which creates a pandas DataFrame. Hint: you can search the web for pandas code examples, and copy-paste the code into your notebook.

  7. Add a code cell which creates a matplotlib plot. Hint: try the matplotlib examples gallery for some code examples to try.

  8. Add a code cell which creates a plotly plot. Hint: try the plotly express docs for some code examples to try.

  9. Add a code cell which creates a bokeh plot. Hint: try the bokeh gallery for some code examples to try.


C’est tout pour ce module, félicitations pour le début de votre voyage dans le monde de l’analyse des données! Quand vous êtes prêts, essayez les exercices appliqués ci-dessous.

  1. Se rendre sur et créer un nouveau notebook.

  2. Créer une nouvelle cellule de code, entrer du code Python et exécuter la cellule.

  3. Ajouter une cellule de texte et entrer du texte, utiliser le markdown pour modifier son format, par exemple en mettant en gras ou en italique certains mots ou en ajoutant un hyperlien.

  4. S’entrainer à ajouter, supprimer et déplacer les cellules.

  5. Importer un paquet (par exemple, numpy) et utiliser une fonction de ce paquet (par exemple, numpy.random.randint()). Indice: utiliser ? pour afficher les paramètres si vous les avez oubliés.

  6. Ajouter une cellule de code qui crée un DataFrame pandas. Indice: vous pouvez chercher un exemple de code pour pandas sur internet et copier-coller le code dans votre notebook.

  7. Ajouter une cellule de code qui crée un graphe matplotlib. Indice: essayer la gallerie d’exemples matplotlib pour des exemples de code.

  8. Ajouter une cellule de code qui crée un graphe plotly. Indice essayer les docs plotly express pour des exemples de code.

  9. Ajouter une cellule de code qui crée un graphe bokeh. Indice: essayer la gallerie bokeh pour des exemples de code.