Cote d’Ivoire / Agneby-Tiassa / coluzzii / 2012#

This cohort comprises 80 samples from the coluzzii taxon, collected from 1 locations within the administrative division of Agneby-Tiassa, Lagunes, Cote d’Ivoire. Collections were made in 2012.

Selection scans#

Chromosome 2RL

Chromosome 3RL

Chromosome X

Sampling information#

Number of samples collected.
Location Date
Name Longitude Latitude 2012
Tiassale -4.823 5.898 80


H12 calibration#

Selected window size: 1,000

G123 Calibration#

Selected window size: 500

Data sources#

MalariaGEN Vector Observatory partners, studies and sample sets contributing data for this cohort.
      Sample set
Contributor Study Data release  
David Weetman Ag1000G Ag3.0 AG1000G-CI