SA-2 (Coeaexf)#
Cohorts affected#
Overlapping signals of selection are found in the following cohorts.
Candidate genes#
AGAP006227 (Coeae1f)
AGAP006228 (Coeae2f)
Gene amplifications covering these alpha-esterases have been recently associated with resistance to the organophosphate, pirimiphos-methyl (Nagi et al., 2024). Pirimiphos-methyl is widely used in indoor-residual spraying campaigns as the formulation Actellic CS300.
The genes are orthologous to the Est2 and Est3 genes of Culex pipiens, which also confer resistance to organophosphates, and were studied intensely in the late 20th century as an example of evolution due to anthropogenic pressures (Raymond et al., 1998).
Change log#
07-02-2024 - first version published